The Literary Works of HWA Bram Stoker Nominee/Author:
Kai Leakes

-When the Light and Dark are at war, sometimes the Gray can only be your salvation-
Book Three: Dragon Lessons (Ryo & Kyo) *Spoilers*
[Note: Dear #teamsineaters, This is a special chapter that due to contrants had to be deleted from SE2. I wanted to give you all a glimpse in the dragons and the lessons and teachings that came with it. Sad, that I am that it had to be cut out, I hope you all enjoy it. Turn on Drake's "Crew Love" and read on! Happy Holidays! Image is called Dragon Lovers by megilwenn- K.L.]
[During Book Two of Sin Eaters: Retribution.]
Chicago, IL...
Locked in conversation on his cellphone with his cousin, Ryo walked around the healing room in slow purpose to warm up his tight and aching muscles, “…I got my stuff man. Just hit up the rest of it and drop it off at the storage center. I’ll get it soon. Yeah, yeah I know. Thank you cuz. Nah, I’m healing up fast now. Did Gramp’s find out more information about the keeper? Aight yeah, still the same thing. Well, let him know that I’m working on my part. Yeah, you know it is still well hidden. It’s my place to guard it until he comes of age. You know the deal.”
A calm laugh replaced the seriousness feeling the tone of the conversation before it switched, “…Yeah, she’s the one, my soul, and I know her…nah, our family will help us. It’s their history too. Yes. Okay, I’ll talk with you later and I’ll send for you to come see my new spot. This is fam, it feels like home again. Much respect Mako and yeah, it is an honorable match but you know me and you give two shit’s about that. Speak with you until later.”
Ryoko-Jo Lau, but known to everyone around him as Ryo, glanced at his cell as he hung it up with a laugh.
His cousin was keeping him updated on his family and his own responsibilities with the Dragon clan. Mako understood that he was only spitting BS about not caring about the traditions that shaped them as young Dragon’s growing. It was those traditions with that of making sure they stayed in touch with modern realities that kept the global clans in the new world well hidden.
It was the new world Dragons, like Ryo, that were able to go to the old country or to the Elders in the States and speak to the old world Dragons as a means to save the cousins and families by going underground. Since his kidnapping by the Cursed and being rescued then almost dying defending those who helped him — including the woman he had been dreaming about and craving for years now — he had been a de facto leader next to his grandfather in helping with placing his own family and community on lockdown during the Cursed war.
The hidden Dragon clans around the nation and world had been put on alert after his kidnapping. Things only became worse with the news that that a Dragon temple in California had unknowingly been wiped out by the Cursed. In the new age of the Oracle, many Dragons were awakening and communication had become more frequent, but it was Ryo’s ties to the House of Dusk that helped move that information along. His Clan and other Dragons had learned with that fall of the temple that many of their people had been taken, including a child, as the majority of the other Dragons were pruned like the old days, made to be extinct and become nothing more than whispers in fairytales, all due to the Cursed.
Fuck ‘em. Revenge will be had, ran through Ryo’s mind as pain quickly shot up his bandaged chest and waist.
He had shit to do. An honor code to uphold for his family and he intended to do just that. He had been on his way to the Nephilim embassy with the intention of pleading for assistance as a gargoyle ambassador for his family, a clan that was hiding amongst the Nephilm as all Dragons were. He was ready to let their existence be known to the Council. That tiny enclave of Dragons in the Chinatown and University of Chicago area existed. But somehow due to his kidnapping he guessed, that fact had already been made known, just to the wrong side.
Fucking Cursed.
Ryo grunted as he put his body into training mode. He knew that his wounds would possibly open up again but right now, he needed to keep himself in peak for his own family and this new family he had gained. His mind flickered with the memories of being held against his will. A Dark female gargoyle had used her tracking abilities to literally sniff him out. He heard one of his captors tell him that all it took was a drop of the Dragon blood from his cousins and peers in Cali at the Buddhist temple to search the others in Chi-town and him out.
Simple trick, she thought she was smart.
Luckily, for everyone in the enclave, they all had been alerted of her hunting them and the land was sealed from the Curse. Those Dragons who were tainted and made to be Cursed were ordered to leave their enclave and many died as soon as the land was reinforced. Turned into literal remnants of gravel-like dust.
Traitorous punks.
In his mind battling with his thoughts and thinking of his history, Ryo stretched his body. It was Dragons in the first war that were given the Cursed mark first, made to become twisted and mad demons that became the stuff of nightmares to humans throughout history. He learned through the Oracle that the process was repeated again to create new demons from the monks who protected the temple in Cali.
Those turned and corrupted breeds brought destruction on the temple and invited darkness in. His own people, once honorable Dragons. They polluted the generations of prayer barriers, hymns, chants and healing magic, which saturated the temple, fed the plant life and purified the waters and foundations on the land.
It was those weak bastards who were the ones that allowed evil, madness, and chaos to travel through every one that stay in the temple to become carriers of darkness in order to eliminate the clan, just like in the first war.
Disgraceful pricks.
The bite worked different for his kind. It turned them from their majestic Dragon ancestry to what humans knew as demonic creatures that no longer held the pure and honorable shape of a Dragon. In their human form, their nails seemed to be dipped in black ink, as their scales were lined varied spots on their skin. Some had protruding spinal columns. Others had varied nodules on their skin that would later turn into serpent horns.
Dark gargoyle Dragons never could stay hidden as spies long. The tell-tell signs with their bite was that of a persistent cough which was accompanied by flecks of black blood from either their mouth, eyes, ears, or nose, always gave them away. As well as the fact that they all became allergic to direct sunlight and gained a ticking click instead of a soft hissing that was known for their kind.
Pulling out his sword, Ryo made a quick swipe across his invisible opponent’s neck.
A noble death.
It was his right as a prince of his Dragon clan to offer such a death to his enemies, but from watching his Grandfather hunt down their nemesis and locate the few Dark Dragons that he could find, Ryo learned that often times, many of them didn’t deserve such a reprieve.
He remembered thinking about all of that as he was held hostage. They tried to get him to tell them where the rest of the clans around the world were.
As if, he would make their fucking day that easy.
He remembered listening while the enemy made plans to take down other Nephilim, this time an elder woman. He sat there playing as if he couldn’t get free and it left a bad taste in his mouth, but what he could glean from the weak minds of the enemy in his captivity made his day until he died on top of that root top of course.
Shit was for the birds.
But finding out that he had a protectant to watch over now, was interesting for him.
He never believed that he’d be someone’s Protector, let alone a Royal but damn if it wasn’t dope. He had never felt that tug, that connection ever until running into the two cats at the house party he was scoping out with his boy’s some months back on the Southside. Throughout the party, he had felt as if he needed to protect them with all cost. He had seen something in their aura that demanded that he watch them and so he did.
It was that same pinch or synaptic tug, as he liked to think of it, that had him working with his boy Calvin. The rest as they say was history and he learned from that the old adage everything happens for a reason was truth. Because after that, his choice to work with Calvin and protect Dare and Take ended up leading him right to the super Alpha of Nephilim Society.
Khamun V’ance.
The damn prince of the same Society that shunned his kind unless they needed protecting. A dude he heard whispers of that protected his kind regardless of Society mandate and the cat was wicked with his shit. Ryo didn’t know why a dude like Khamun would need to have a Protector when Khamun could end the life of the enemy with just a look, but Ryo knew history and he knew their and his DNA. Being Khamun as much law as it was biology and spirituality. Since then, it was what it was. The blood bond was a fucker.
Smiling to himself, he inwardly chuckled. It was the same thing he felt when Kyo invaded his dreams. That call of her spirit and need to link with it, had him returning the favor those many years ago until he found himself in love with a woman, another Dragon such as he was without even realizing it.
Blood bonding and the heart chakra bond was the truth.
Music thumped and made him turn it up as Drake’s “Crew Love” bumped around the room making him fall into his dance steps. He combined his training in martial arts with that of his b-boy routine. Each move he made on the beat went into his imaginary opponent taking the training dummy down. Scrawling ink on his body changed from the Asian designed scenery he had on him into Kanji and Mandarin script, rushing knowledge and the history of his people into his mind.
He had to find and get to the Keeper, or at least get the child to safety.
Thankfully, though, due to the Most High he guessed, that now that he was a part of this new crew, he knew with everything at his disposal that he could connect with the rest of the Cali Dragons and find out how exactly the temple got taken down. As well as how the keeper went missing. The whole point of the Keeper being moved with him and his family to the temple was to give him protection and hide them from the Dark. Guess they were clearly a couple of steps ahead of them.
Gripping his side in pain, he shook his head and stopped his movements. He wished that his baby would learn her healing gift. He knew Kyo had it and had used it innately. He could taste it every time they kissed or whenever they touched, it was right there at the surface, but it never blossomed.
It was what it was.
She’ll learn sooner or later, that it wasn’t something he could force her into. But with taking a page from his homie Khamun, teaching Kyo about her Dragon her gifts he would promise to do. It blew his mind that she had a father who was at the level of his Grandfather’s power but she didn’t know a thing about her lineage. Shit was crazy, but he at the same time understood it. Where his family, his clan had went into hiding as an enclave, hers had to find their own way and really go deep. So deep that they dropped off the grid all together, hid their history and never taught Kyo a thing about it and that was profound.
“San, can heal what I can’t. I’ll ask later since you know, she just used some serious power just now Ryo,” Kyo gently explained to him.
“Yeah, maybe she can, she does have a kick ass gift baby and seeing it in person like that was pretty sick…” he stated in awe of that reality.
Kyo must have been in his mind as she quietly came into his room. Her voice was like a healing balm in itself and he turned with a sly smile, he glanced at the woman he risked all for.
Damn, he loved how she blushed when she smiled. Her creamy pale almond milk skin always gave off a rosy hue whenever she was near. His eyes could always see the mating mark blooming and fighting to become physical against her skin and aura. Especially curving up against her shoulder, the nape of her neck and disappearing under her asymmetrical bob. It caused him to lick his lips with the need to help it become physical burning within his heart.
Tucking her silky ink black bang that fell over her mismatch eye, Kyo gave a shy smile, “Yeah…it was. My sis is that business and I love her. She’s had this quiet power to her for years; it feels good to see it in action. Ah, Ryo…”
He found himself moving to her side in a flash, pulling her plush curves to him. She fit him like glue and it was a feeling that made him proud. It was a pride that he had seen in Khamun’s eyes every time Sanna walked by and damn if he couldn’t relate as he held his prize in his arms.
“Don’t even say it babe. I need to take care of myself and I am. Just needed to keep in shape is all. You ready for some more lessons?” he explained himself for working out and training when he was told not too.
Kyo’s pretty mismatched eyes twinkled for him and he knew her answer even before she verbalized it.
“Ah yeah, I’m gamed,” she said in light humor. “Maybe this time my healing will come forth or, like you can do that dream stuff you were talking about before.”
Yes, he was nervous about doing it now only because she was in close proximity and because he was weak right now. He knew without a doubt that he would slide between her silky thighs in the physical innately as he probed her mental walls while his body broke through her lotus blossom. It was that deep and intimate of a process when with another Dragon he wanted to life mate was in the same room as him.
But he knew that he had to keep it respectful since this was a teaching experience and not a sexual moment. Running a hand over his face as he stepped back, he gently held Kyo’s hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. Ryo knew that he couldn’t do that to her not yet, not with his mother and grandfather, mainly his grandfather expecting him to keep everyone’s honor intact since finding a Dragon with a strong linage like his own.
So, he swallowed his lust, desire, and needs. As his manhood thumped in his jeans then cursed at him while he played the gentleman. This was hard as hell, he thought to himself, locking it away so that Kyo couldn’t innocently stumble upon it.
“Let’s go do that and maybe hit up San later baby. Aight?” he gently said.
He watched Kyo, lean over to kiss him lightly on the lips. Her teeth grazed his lower lip in simmering passion, “Yeah, okay and Ryo…damn this sucks for real!”
With a smirk and a slight parting of his lips in a grin, he looked up to the ceiling, damn if he couldn’t agree. Guess, that was his lesson as a Dragon.

*Sin Eaters Copyright Kai Leakes ©2013